I try to smile at others or say hello when I’m out in a store or most any public place. You know, to be friendly and not seem like an angry ogre or shrew. But sometimes, I completely forget about what my face looks like when I’m deep in thought. So then I’m not smiling at anyone, nor am I being friendly and saying hello or good day. Later on my way home it hits me, and I end up scolding myself for being unfriendly to the masses. I’m guilty. Not of forgetting to smile or say hello, but I’m guilty of beating myself up over it. I’ve found this self berating to be of very little help.
So I decided to allow myself to be completely human, after all, that is what I am. And that means accepting my slip ups as all part of being that flawed human. I can’t always remember to smile, to say hello, to say good day to you, or any other kind gesture to a stranger. And that’s OK.
Are YOU guilty too?
Guilty of beating yourself up for not getting something right, making a mistake, or maybe not remembering something? Well then, you’re in good company. And I’m here to tell you, it’s OK. That you are ok, and not to give up on yourself. I know you get more right than wrong, just like me. So instead, allow yourself to be 100% human. After all, you ARE! Which means you’re not perfect, and….. that’s OK.