When you do nice things for others such as letting another car go through the intersection before you, or allowing someone to get in line in front of you, did they even notice your kindness? Did they say thank you or acknowledge your good deed? The even better question is, did you do it to be recognized and thanked, or was it for a better, higher reason?
Good deeds should always be done just for the doing of them, and for no other reward other than the knowing that you did something good.
So is it wrong to get a thank you, or at the very least, for someone to nod their head in appreciation? Of course not! Basic human nature drives us to do good. At the same time, doing little acts of kindness feeds our inner need for connection when that person acknowledges that we did something for them, albeit small, just to be kind and for no other reason.
So although we don’t let their appreciation be the driving force behind our actions, it’s nice to have. Remember that the next time someone does some random act of kindness for you. Whether it’s letting you into their line of traffic, their line at the grocery store, or they give you their seat on the train. Remember to always say a thank you, even if it’s only waving your hand from your car. Spread the kindness, and pass it along. Everyday.
When we spread kindness, WE feel better (even if they don’t say thank you!). If you’re having a bad day, spread some kindness and do nice things for others and watch how it makes you feel better. I’ve done it so many times, I can’t stop smiling some days, even when I started the day a cranky bug!