There’s a great proverb that says, “There will always be someone, somewhere, that was glad you were born.” Maybe it’s your kids, or your spouse. Maybe it’s your parent you’re caring for, or that neighbor you check on who has no family.
Maybe it’s that coworker who looks forward to your cheery banter every day, or the store clerk you see every day. You’ll probably never know who it is that’s very grateful you were born. Guaranteed however, no matter who you are and no matter what you do (or don’t do), SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE IS GLAD!!
Maybe it’s your pet. Or pets, as in many of them. Maybe it’s the person you talk to online and encourage to keep the faith, stay strong, and remind them where there’s life-there’s HOPE. But of all those that are glad you were born, remember that YOU should be at the top of the list of who is glad you were born. YOU are important and valuable. And today is just a page. ONE page in your life’s story. It’s not the whole story. One page, or maybe a chapter. And with each next chapter, the story can improve. The main character, YOU, can try new things, go new places, eat new foods, make new friends or even reconnect with old friends. Opportunities are ENDLESS. I repeat, the opportunities are truly e-n-d-l-e-s-s-s-s-s-s. Read a new book, try a new game, check out a new library, theater or museum. Visit a new or different cafe, coffee shop or restaurant. Take a walk in a new area, or a different street. Here are ideas with some physical and others more relaxing:
Choose something that you’d really enjoy, either by yourself or with a friend. Just make sure it’s something that will help you smile, AND help you to be glad you were born. Just a note: when we reach out past ourselves to help others (those that want help), we always get rewarded with good feelings and most often a smile.
Never forget, a joke will usually bring a smile when it’s not a joke picking on someone. So here’s one or two(or three) to get you smiling today! Ready? A. What do you call a twitching cow? b. Beef jerky
A. How do you tell the difference between a bull and a dairy cow? b. It’s either one or the ‘udder’.
A. How many Star Wars Storm Troopers does it take to change a light bulb? b. None, because they’re on the ‘dark side’. :)
I leave you with those jokes to ponder, giggle at, and share them with a friend so they can get a chuckle as well. Laughter shared is even better than laughter alone.