Well, I did recognize most of the one-liners. I'm not sure if that's because I'm old, or in the same loop as you, or if it is because I spent my formative years in North America. Where I live now, the UK, they also have some sayings that I think are bizarre, but I've gotten used to them. I do remember when I first lived here and we were watching a horse race on TV and the announcer said that the jockey had fallen "on the floor"! I thought, on the floor? What building are they in?? As it turns out, people use "the floor! interchangeably to mean the the floor in a building and the floor (as in the ground). Weird, but now I'm used to it. Which just goes to show how adaptable humans are!

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I believe you’re right-we humans are adaptable! I’m a transplant from the mountains of Maine to the flat lands of the Midwest of the USA. And when I moved here, they said the most bizarre things in the beginning. An example would be what they call a sandwich. In Maine we called it a “hoagie”, in Mass. it’s called a “grinder”, and here in the Midwest it’s called a “Sub”. I’ll bet it’s called something different in the UK. Have you come across that one yet?

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